Canvas,Copies, Printing

Canvas Printing Information

Our canvas prints are all done by hand and are made from strong material. Your image will be corrected to ensure perfect results for your prints. So weather you want an old family photo printed to display in your home or one we've taken for you, you can expect fantastic results.

We make all the canvas prints our selves and prices start from £25.00 and they look lovely !!!

Since we make and design our own canvas', it does not take as long. Also, we can manipulate an image and have it in either colour or black and white.


We copy both old and new photos.
As well as simply copying modern images, we can copy and alter old photographs.

poster restoration 2

Old Photographs

The prices for reproductive printing ranges from size to size. The prices are as follows:
6x4 - £1.75
8x6 - £5.00
10x8 - £8.00

Slides to Photos

6x4 £1.50
8x6 £5.00
10x8 £8.50

Please enquire as to the price for slides to DVD as this depends on the quantity.

Discounts apply for orders of three or more.